IT WAS JUST LAST NIGHT THAT MY BOSS WAS TELLING ME ABOUT HIS STROLL AT THE FAVELAS IN RIO. How they weren't really as bad as he had expected and how maybe it was because we've seen worse in the Philippines.
How timely is it that I stumble upon these breathtaking installations by Parisian street artist and photographer JR.
Brazil, Kenya, India and Cambodia set the stage for JR's 28 Millimeters: Women project wherein he photographs the unseen and unempowered women of the world and then reproduces their photos in massive scales to be installed in their local neighborhoods. The aim is to give these women a voice where they are unheard and a presence where they are of little importance.
The intent is admirable. The execution -I hate to say this- fierce!
Photography and installations by JR, www.28millimetres.com
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