MAD COLORS, MANIC CHARACTERS AND ABSOLUTE ANARCHY IN A CRAZY NIGHTMARISH WORLD, it's no wonder designers from McQueen to McCartney are jumping on the bandwagon begun nearly a century ago by Mr. Walter Elias Disney.
"Walt" Disney's long, enduring love story with Alice dates way back in his early twenties, when he conceptualized making a feature film based on Lewis Caroll's Alice books, shooting a live action girl in a cartoon world. Though this failed to receive much notice, Walt eventually filmed a series of animated shorts entitled Alice Comedies that ran from 1924 to 1926.
Plans to do a feature film on Alice was continuously pushed aside over the years to give way to other projects such as Snow White, Pinocchio and Bambi. It was in 1951, eighteen years after first discussing the project and thirty long years after his first Alice short, that Walt Disney released his feature-length animated version of the Lewis Carroll tale.

This spring, after decades upon decades of waiting, Alice finds herself in live action and in no less than IMAX 3-D. Will Tim Burton do Walt Disney proud?
I just have to add, I love Dinah!

Get yourself excited by visiting the official Alice in Wonderland 2010 site here.
Screenshots from Alice in Wonderland, 1951.
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