APART FROM ART, TEMPER AND A COMPULSION TO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING LYING ON THE FLOOR, a major influence my father has had on me growing up is an appreciation for Jazz music. Most prominently played at our home were Bing, Frank, Nat and Louis, amongst others.
I'd love to add Natalie Cole to the roster -although she is not in fact a jazz artist- because of her Unforgettable album which covered songs her father had sung and included a manufactured duet between them for the title track.
That cassette played all throughout our Baguio trip back in '91. Both 7 hours of driving there and 7 hours of driving back.
It was quite -literally- unforgettable.
So as I am at the office now and can't exactly blast out some good old jazz music in tribute to my dad this father's day, I've decided to take him and the family out to dinner tonight at a Jazz-themed restaurant.
That's if I get off work before dinner. Call time was at 10am. I came at 11 to find nobody here. It's 11:30 now and still nobody's here! Typical advertising!!!
So before I get too hot-headed, in the same way my father used to be in his younger years, I send out a warm and affectionate greeting to my dad, and to all fathers out there: Happy Father's Day!
Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Nat Cole images from www.last.fm
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