IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE A VERY LONG TIME, 32 months. But just as those quite annoying but quite insightful folk from Rent sing about measuring life in daylights and sunsets, in midnights and cups of coffee, so shall I measure my 2 or so years' stay at McCann Erickson by a list of 32 things that made the 32 months worthwhile:
Getting dressed in the morning. Lunches at my desk. Coffee Bean dates with Rio Jorolan. Boracay with Rio Jorolan. Getting to work in 5 minutes. Getting to work late. Raul Castro's humor. Raul Castro's glamour. Raul Castro's wisdom. The esteem of working for the industry giant. Having one of just a few Samsung flat screens. Winning pitches. Winning awards. Getting good evaluations. Getting bonuses. Email blasting administrative complaints. Email blasting more administrative complaints. Allan Almeda's funny flute playing. Group ranting. More group ranting. Stress shopping. Being in the industry magazine centerfold. Parading in a newspaper dress. The Long and Winding Road with Chino Jayme. Jeff Buckley with Chino Jayme. Chino Jayme. Meeting Cory Aquino. Having her autograph my storyboard. Becoming a writer. Becoming a good writer. Ending a long day. Coming home to Jaime.
Yup that's 32! And with clearance out of my hair, I'm officially off.
That's all folks!
Screenshot from Looney Tunes
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