EERIE, FREAKY, WITH THE RIGHT MIX OF HEART AND WHIMSY, The Elephant Man is what 2004's Phantom of The Opera could have been but failed to be.
Such a shame, as the musical is very close to my heart.
The 1980 drama by David Lynch may not exactly be a personal favorite of mine but it is brilliant nonetheless, being simple in its own way but with much character and much humanity. Likewise I would not say that I am a David Lynch fan but besides his apparent eccentricity, I revere his talent for engaging, engrossing, disturbing and displacing, so that when you see his work, you just never get what you expect.
And when you see his work, you just never forget.
The Elephant Man, 1980. Directed by David Lynch, starring Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt and Anne Bancroft.
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