I said I'd even get implants, with complications being the only thing stopping me and well, loving friends who convince me otherwise.
Today I took a dress from a rack and asked the salesperson what I ask every salesperson with regards to every clothing item in every store.
"What's your smallest size?"
How many girls would love to ask that? Girls who starve and stress and tire themselves just to fit into a small. Or pay to be or lie about being a size zero or even two? Or would only dream of putting on an elastic body-con number or a skimpy bikini?
No female is ever completely happy with her body. And while I would love for mine to be lush and womanly, I'm sure that in the same way, someone out there would love to have my shrunken waistline.
Today, as I hang up my tiny clothes, I will not only try to appreciate this 5-foot, 90-pound frame. I will actually be proud of it.
Not because I am smug about being an xxs. But because it's what I have.
Might as well right?
Silver Mannequin from Maisons du Monde, www.maisonsdumonde.com
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