ASK ANY LITTLE GIRL WHAT THEIR FAVORITE COLOR IS and you can expect to get pink, yellow or purple. Blues and greens are for boys.
Then you grow up to find that colors have no gender after all. Just as manly men pull off pink like pros, greens, blues and in-between hues can be just as delicate and feminine as any other color in the spectrum.
Meredith Wendell SS2011, www.meredithwendell.com Sous-Bois by Paul Cézanne, collectionsonline.lacma.org Christian Kettiger photography, www.kettiger.com Jasper Conran Fine Bone China Collection, www.jasperconran.com Rock of Ages #4 by Edward Burtynsky, www.edwardburtynsky.com Work/Life by Darren Booth, www.darrenbooth.com Les Ruines d'Angkor Indochine by Groslier Georges, www.parisposters.com Charlotte Taylor AW2011, www.charlottetaylorltd.com Spring Birds by Micah Lindberg, www.micahlidberg.com
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