PHOTOGRAPHED IN TWO FRENCH CITIES, a year apart, photographer René Groebli's honeymoon photoessay feels very much like it may have been captured in a single hotel, over a single weekend. Dressing and undressing, with a dash of empty, communal spaces, the scenes provide an intimate glimpse into Mr. and Mrs. Groebli's private, poetic Paris and Marseille.
Published as a book entitled The Eye of Love, the collection of 25 photographs isn't meant to document, but rather to convey atmosphere, emotion and sensuality. Considered among the elite of Swiss post-war photographers, Groebli's work ranges from tender to exploratory, spanning nearly eight decades of capturing and compositing images.
I love how natural and artificial light in the shots suggest a feeling of being in a space and time warp, of day and night blending together. Honeymoon bliss.
The Eye of Love by René Groebli, renegroebli.ch
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